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FREE antiracism course

About Us

Strawberry Words is a training and education company that focuses on improving relationships with self and others and we specialise in antiracism.

We offer training, courses, talks and educational resources that help to develop better communication, empathy, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills. Our training is designed to help people grow and develop in areas such as self-awareness, conflict resolution, active listening, and building healthy relationships in various personal and professional settings. We excel in helping people and organisations improve relationships in and between cultures.

Our Mission

To compassionately empower and uplift all people whilst levelling the playing field for marginalised people. We strive to create a kinder, inclusive and equitable society by providing comprehensive solutions, educational resources, and support that foster diversity, equity, and opportunity for all.

The Core Team


Rebbecca Hemmings


Chantelle Jeffers

Executive Assistant

Sipho Ndlovu

Associate Trainer

Thembila McKenzie-Pusey 
Associate Trainer