S1: 36 Dealing With Racial Trauma Part 1

antiracism ethnicminoritysupport globalmajorityvoices healingfromhate mentalhealthawareness muslimvoices overcomingtrauma podcastforchange raceriotsuk racialjustice racialtrauma resilienceinadversity Sep 04, 2024
Strawberry Words Courses
S1: 36 Dealing With Racial Trauma Part 1

In the wake of the recent race riots that have shaken communities across England, many individuals are grappling with the profound effects of racial trauma. In this deeply moving episode, Rebbecca opens up with raw honesty about how these events have touched her life and the lives of those around her. Drawing on personal experiences and expert insights, she explores the lingering impact of these riots, not just on people of the global majority and Muslims, but also on white ethnic minorities. 


Rebbecca doesn’t just recount the pain; she offers hope. She shares practical, effective strategies for managing and healing from the racial stress and trauma that so many are enduring. This episode is more than a conversation—it's a guide to resilience, offering listeners a path forward in these challenging times.

Tune in for an episode that is heartfelt, and empowering, and discover ways to reclaim your peace and strength during challenging times.

To learn more about Dr S. P. Harrell’s 6 types of racial stressors, listen to this episode of the Crafting Cultures Podcast: https://www.strawberrywordscourses.co.uk/blog?tag=trauma



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Talking about racism can seem difficult and uncomfortable. This CPD accredited course provides a foundational education on racism to help to increase racial literacy which includes building confidence to speak about and deal with issues concerning race. It provides a language through which meaningful conversation can take place (particularly in the workplace).

Time to Talk about Race Online Course

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