S1: Ep 34 The Importance of Inclusive Language

anti-discrimination corporate responsibility cultural sensitivity diversity and inclusion employee education employee rights human resources inclusive language inclusive practices legal implications litigation organisational culture workplace inclusion Jul 03, 2024
Strawberry Words Courses
S1: Ep 34 The Importance of Inclusive Language

How has your organisation ensured that staff understand the importance of and how to use inclusive language? Recently, a few U.K. companies have faced legal action because of a lack of knowledge about what is and isn’t acceptable (such as calling someone the wrong name or using sexist language).


Listen and share this episode to learn about what constitutes inclusive language, why it’s important, the benefits and dangers of companies not adopting it.


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Talking about racism can seem difficult and uncomfortable. This CPD accredited course provides a foundational education on racism to help to increase racial literacy which includes building confidence to speak about and deal with issues concerning race. It provides a language through which meaningful conversation can take place (particularly in the workplace).

Time to Talk about Race Online Course

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