Join us at Strawberry Words as we embark on an inspiring journey to revolutionise your organisation's culture. At the core of this transformation is our unwavering commitment to caring for those who've faced discrimination and difficult situations in the workplace, head-on.
"Compassionate Cultures – The podcast" and blog are the ultimate crash course in creating compassionate, inclusive environments – a lesson you wish you had learned in school!

Strawberry Words Courses
Season 2 Begins - Fresh Insights and Bold Moves
Season 2 Begins - Fresh Insights and Bold Moves
compassionate cultures
compassionate leadership
cultural humility
dei podcast
diversity equity inclusion
diversity training
employee wellbeing
equity in the workplace
inclusive leadership
inclusive workplaces
leadership development
organisational culture
professional development
racial equity
social impact
unconscious bias
workplace inclusion
workplace safety
Mar 07, 2025
All Categories 5 ds academic research activism activists actors agency addressing racism adult ego state adultification affirmations ally allyship allyship in the workplace america animation animation and diversity anti racism in schools anti-discrimination anti-racism antiracism antiracism actions antiracism education antiracism techniques antiracism trainer antiracism training arts asset framing attacks attract bame staff attract ethnic minorities attracting ethcni minorities authentic expression bame staff beca velazquez publes bias bias awareness bias reduction birmingham birmingham nec birmingham philosopher black asian minority ethnic black girls black lives matter black men black staff black therapist black woman and preganancy black women book book look book review books brig bystander intervention strategies challenges challenging racism change makers charity children communications community support compassion in education compassionate culture compassionate cultures compassionate cultures podcast compassionate leadership conflict confronting bias contact theory continuous learning coping with racism corporate responsibility corporate training on harassment cpd-accredited training creating compassionate cultures creative industries and diversity creativity critical thinking cross cultural communication cultural awareness cultural celebration cultural challenges cultural competence cultural differences cultural diversity cultural empowerment cultural equity cultural humility cultural integration cultural perspective cultural respect cultural sensitivity cultural training cultural understanding cultural values culturally marginalised communities culture change customer services daniel stone debiasing techniques defence mechanisms defensiveness dei dei podcast dei training disability discrimination dismantling racism diverse backgrounds diverse curriculum diverse teams diverse workplace diversity diversity and inclusion diversity champion diversity equity inclusion diversity expert diversity training divisive language edi education on race education on racism effective communication emotional healing emotional support for students empathetic leadership empathy empathy in leadership employee education employee empowerment employee engagement employee rights employee wellbeing employees employment empowerment engagement techniques engaging with ethnic minotities equality in the workplace equity equity and inclusion equity drinks equity in the workplace eradicating gaslighting ethnic minoities ethnic minorities ethnic minority staff ethnicity ethnicminoritysupport examples of microaggressions failed recruitment attempts far-right riots fatigue fear of the other follow the science games gaslighting awareness gazebo theatre gender gender discrimination girls global mindset global workplace globalmajorityvoices group dynamics handsworth to oxford harassment intervention tips hard to reach communities harmful beliefs harmful statements harvard law school healing healing racism healingfromhate health and well-being show healthcare higher education hiring talent historical resilience holding space how to be an active bystander how to be an ally how to be antiracist how to handle harassment at work how to respond to being accussed of a microaggression hr strategies human relationships human resources immigrants impact impactful leadership implicit bias implicit bias awareness inclusion inclusion and diversity inclusive culture inclusive dialogue inclusive education inclusive language inclusive leadership inclusive policies inclusive practices inclusive workplace inclusive workplaces inclusivity influence influential leadership inner city to academia innovation integrated model intersectionality ireland irish irish travellers joy keeping people staff kindess leadership leadership development leadership insights leadership journey leadership session leadership stories legal implications lgbtq lifebigquestions litigation making change managing difficult conversations marketing to ethnic minorities maternity mental health mental health and black men mentalhealthawareness microaggressions microassaults microinvalidations migrant crisis migrants mindfulness practices misogynoir misogyny muslimvoices myths nathan addai navigating racial terrain non-traditional leadership oliver mcgowan organisational culture organisations organizational culture overcomingtrauma patriarchy personal power philosophers journey podcast podcastforchange policies power of influence practical strategies preventing sexual harassment in the workplace professional development professional wellbeing promoting inclusion psychological safety psychologist pupils quiz race race riots mental health support race terminology race-related stress raceriotsuk racial abuse racial awareness racial discrimination racial discrimination race riots racial equality racial equity racial gaslighting racial inclusion racial justice racial justice in education racial marginalisation racial microaggressions racial safeguarding racial sensitivity racial stress racial trauma racialjustice racially marginalised pupils racialtrauma racism racism and unconcscious bias racism in the workplace racsim real world scenarios rebbecca hemmings rebecca eldredge rebecca on leadership recuitment reducing bias resilience techniques resilienceinadversity respect and inclusion respect diversity responding to harassment at work retainment retention riots safe schools for all safe space schools sealioning self reflection self-care strategies sexism sexual harassment sexual harassment awareness sexual harassment prevention sipho ndlovu skin colour social impact social justice social justice education soft power soft skills solutions stereotypes stopping workplace harassment strategies strawberry words stress management students successful antiracism support marginalised pupils systemic discrimination systemic racism talking about race teaching children teamwork tema jon okun terminology the philosophers yard theatre therapy tonia daley-campbell training training and education transactional analysis transformational change trauma trauma informed teaching trauma systemic change in schools trauma-informed care u.k. uk podcast uk racism uk riots unconscious bias understanding microaggressions undoing unconscious bias undoing unconscious biases university us racism usa weathering wellbeing west midlands combined authority what can i do what do you call black people what do you call brown people what is a microaggression what to do when you witness harassment workplace workplace belonging workplace conflict resolution workplace culture workplace diversity workplace equality workplace equity workplace harassment training workplace harmony workplace inclusion workplace innovation workplace safety workplace safety and respect workplace success