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You know things could be better

Is your aim to educate your staff so they know how to speak to ethnic minorities and people from different cultures without unintentionally (and intentionally) offending them?

Do you want to know  common phrases that cause harm and are offensive to ethnic minorities?

Daily, ethnic minorities face microaggressions (usually unintentional insults and invalidations that tell them they are ‘the other’ and not welcome). Since most people aren’t aware they are subjecting Black and other ethnic minority people to microaggressions, they continually must deal with their impact. This can leave ethnic minorities feeling stressed, under-valued alone and like they don’t belong.

Do you and your staff need…

  • An education on how comments like “I don’t see race.” and “Where are you really from?” are harmful to people with black and brown skin tones?
  • Lots of examples of microaggressions to develop understanding?
  • Techniques to manage difficult conversations?
  • A safe space to think about words or phrases you/they may have used that discriminate?
  • An open, honest workforce that is committed to getting this right?
  • To flexibly study in your own time?
  • A certificate as proof of learning?
  • CPD accreditation?

"I will be more confident in acknowledging and checking in with the subject of microaggressions. On reflection I have avoided "prying" and "minded my own business" when a better approach would have been to show solidarity."

 Academic, University of Sussex

"Excellent training workshop. should be mandatory for all staff.Its great that the Council are educating people in this subject, lets continue the conversation!"

DEI staff member, Coventry City Council

Frequently asked questions



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